Saturday, May 2, 2009

Let the Renovation Resume

Our first day back at the FLIP and in spite of days of rain, the inside is completely dry. The tarp still covers the french door and the siding is 3/4ths done, just the way we left it last fall with the exception of a wasp nest which Brian took care of, thank you!

It only took three of us about four hours to rake and clean up the property, vacuuming indoors after sweeping. The off-balance neighbor who rents the house at the bottom of the hill said we were stupid last summer to install plants and beds before finishing the house, but seeing the healthy Hosta, Butterfly Bushes, Peonies and Ferns really made my day.

Did you notice the pergola in front? Brian built that. The stone was put up with help from the grandkids and anyone I could find to grab a trowel and mix cement.
My brother Steven will be here this week to help us get the renovation back on track. We've got siding to finish, electrical to hook up and then it's all interior work. Meanwhile I'm heading back tomorrow to divide and relocate plants.

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