Monday, December 15, 2008

Would You Love it if your Grandma Made you a TeddyBear?

Budgets are tight this holiday season so I was only half joking when I told mom she's likely to get a sock monkey for Christmas. It was Sparky's idea anyhow.
Sparticus, our 1-year old boxer-doodle loves the soft fleece blanket so much that he's chewed both the ivory and the chocolate brown throws clean thru with holes. I think he enjoys the pop-feeling as his teeth break thru the squeeky fabric. With all that soft hole-y fabric, little cash, and dark cold midwest nights, I thought - that's it. . . I'll make Teddy-Bears for grandkids, Billy (11), Kaelynn (9) and Nathan (5). Never mind it's been 20 years since I've sewed anything more than a window curtain. Heck the machine is as old as my just-turned-30 daughter.

If the kids' bears turn out okay, I might just make Sparky one too, stuffed with something squeeky, to keep him busy on Christmas day.

So what do you think? Will the kids think it's dumb to get a toy, stitched from one of grandma's favorite blankets with crooked hand-sewn button noses and felt cut-out eyes? Without any electronics, screens or beeps? Would you?

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