Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sparticus the Boxer-Doodle's Funny Poses

While working from home one day on the laptop loaned to me by my company, I turned around to see Sparticus, the Boxer-Doodle sitting in the entrance to my office, jubilant to have his mom home for the day. I grabbed my camera to snap a photo, and in a sequence of four pictures, got these funny poses.

It's typically difficult to photograph a black dog, and this one rarely sits still long enough to capture his likeness. But here he is, first shaking his head wildly, then sticking out his tongue, posing like an Egyptian Sphinx, and finally settling down once he realized I still had my socks on.

To a Sparticus, socks on mom = stay home day.
Shoes means work, and he becomes sullen as soon as I put them on.

Sparticus, aka Sparky, is now 2 years old. For a $15 Boxer-Doodle in box, he's been a great addition to our little family. He happily keeps me company while I'm working from home.

1 comment:

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