Saturday, September 12, 2009

There's Just No Way to Explain this to my Dad

Me: Hey dad, yea, spending some time in Second Life.

Dad: What's wrong with the life you have?

Me: What? No, it's just an online virtual reality. My life is fine, it's just my avatar is . . .

Dad: Avawho? And what the hell is he wearing? What is that?!

Me: I'm having a little trouble with the gender . . .

Dad: Why is that guy wearing a skirt? Is that supposed to be you? What the?!

Me: In Second Life, my avatar is a male, or at least that's what I had intended.

Dad: So you want to be a guy? What's wrong with kids these days?

Me: I'm still me, a girl. My avatar is male ... so it (she/I) don't get hit on. I'm just having trouble with wardrobe, hair. It must know I'm a girl.

Dad: You don't need a stupid computer. Unplug that thing.

Me: Let me just spend a little time with it. Got to lose that beard.

Dad: Whatever you want. Internet crap. Just stay out of my closet.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Yes, You Can Buy a House for $22K

It's been two years and the concept of a 'flip' has come and gone but we continue to make progress on the house that by habit we still refer to as The Flip.

Siding should be done in the next few weeks thanks to Brian's cousin Jim driving up to help. Then it's caulk and stain and the outside will be done. Here's the stain colors we've chosen.

Additional Interior Views and Exterior Views are out on my YouTube Channel.

The Eyebrow Will Grow Back

Sparticus had been so good all day at the flip house, right until after Brian headed home, and then two squirrels ran down the tree and he bolted to the side yard and ran into the field below the house. I was finishing up watering the plants recently harvested from the forest when he meandered back up the hill, rubbing his face in the dirt. Did he get stuck by a bee? No. Minute little green burr-like stickers covered his face, burrowing into his fur- thousands of them. It took 45-minutes on the front porch with a comb, lots of occasional squeels and his utter resignment to having stickers removed from his beard, legs, and even between his toes. (I didn't even realize until then that a dog's toes are webbed. Are they all that way?) The stickers are gone now, he's had a bath, and in about 45 days his eyebrows and half his beard will grow back.

p.s. This is a before photo.