Monday, December 15, 2008
Why Does Ebay Cost Me Time and Money?
Money is tight, time is short and there is stuff all over my house. I know the solution - Ebay! So on a Sunday, while hubby is golfing in 40 degree weather, I take inventory. No longer use that sofa, check, found those dolls at a garage sale, yep, don't use that comforter any more, sure, put it on the list. 10 Days later I find myself swamped with packaging, satisfied that people from Ohio to New York have gotten great deals, and I've barely made enough money to pay for the shipping. $5 or 10% whichever is greater was donated to Habitat for Humanity. And can you believe nobody even wanted vintage Effanbee dolls for $5.99 NIB NR?!
Undercalculating the shipping cost to send some blankets and pillows turned into a $30 loss, and the rest of my profit was spent to maintain my 100% positive feedback rating? "What, you didn't realize it was a pickup only item? No problem, I'll find a way to get it to you!" I'm awaiting a phone call from a North Dakota trucker (she bought the TV/VCR/DVD combo for $161 for her mom and will pick it up on her next route through Omaha.)
And I'm still trying to find a box for that cute table and chairs that I sold for $49 (it will cost more than that to ship). Let this be a lesson to you. Don't buy the stuff in the first place, or if you must sell, consider your local Craigslist. At least those people are in the neighborhood.
Would You Love it if your Grandma Made you a TeddyBear?
Budgets are tight this holiday season so I was only half joking when I told mom she's likely to get a sock monkey for Christmas. It was Sparky's idea anyhow.
Sparticus, our 1-year old boxer-doodle loves the soft fleece blanket so much that he's chewed both the ivory and the chocolate brown throws clean thru with holes. I think he enjoys the pop-feeling as
his teeth break thru the squeeky fabric. With all that soft hole-y fabric, little cash, and dark cold midwest nights, I thought - that's it. . . I'll make Teddy-Bears for grandkids, Billy (11), Kaelynn (9) and Nathan (5). Never mind it's been 20 years since I've sewed anything more than a window curtain. Heck the machine is as old as my just-turned-30 daughter.
If the kids' bears turn out okay, I might just make Sparky one too, stuffed with something squeeky, to keep him busy on Christmas day.
So what do you think? Will the kids think it's dumb to get a toy, stitched from one of grandma's favorite blankets with crooked hand-sewn button noses and felt cut-out eyes? Without any electronics, screens or beeps? Would you?
If the kids' bears turn out okay, I might just make Sparky one too, stuffed with something squeeky, to keep him busy on Christmas day.
So what do you think? Will the kids think it's dumb to get a toy, stitched from one of grandma's favorite blankets with crooked hand-sewn button noses and felt cut-out eyes? Without any electronics, screens or beeps? Would you?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Hey Lady - Wanna buy a Timeshare?
Here's what we EARNED:
1 trip for 2 to ride ATVs to the beach, 1 trip for two snorkeling up the baja coast, $100 cash, 2 free breakfasts, 1 dinner and 2 spa treatments, lots of pre-paid taxi and shuttle fares. We calculated our earnings at about $100/hour while on vacation, and were only saved from signing the dotted line by reality. We had no 'cash' for a down payment, thank goodness. Anyhow, on the shuttle back to the airport we learned that a timeshare can be picked up on the resale market for about 10 cents on the dollar. 
So once I get 10 cents, I'm buying a timeshare in Cabo.
Awesome place!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Voting in Cass County Nebraska Ain't That Tough
A few days before the election and I'm in a panic once I realize my plane leaves at 8:30 a.m. on 11/4 and the polls don't open until 8:00 a.m. The airport is 30 minutes away. It's too late to apply for an absentee ballot.
On the news, the lines are already long by Friday before the election, so imagine my suprise when I call the registrar of voters, and she says, "come on down". It was halloween and her comment when I arrived was, "you're our first costume of the day".
There was no line. Two workers, 3 polling booths and just me, voting early.
I proudly added the sticker "my vote counts" to my outfit and I was out the door and heading back to work 5 minutes after I arrived. It's good to live in Nebraska.
On the news, the lines are already long by Friday before the election, so imagine my suprise when I call the registrar of voters, and she says, "come on down". It was halloween and her comment when I arrived was, "you're our first costume of the day".

I proudly added the sticker "my vote counts" to my outfit and I was out the door and heading back to work 5 minutes after I arrived. It's good to live in Nebraska.
Buy a Waterfront Home in Nebraska?
Custom designed and built, we puchased the land 10 years ago and drafted the floorplan on graph paper before finally asking our brother-in-law, Mike Koch of the Flooring Studio to built the house.
People ask me, how can you sell after all the landscaping you've done? To Brian and I, it has been a dream to build the house. 
In spite of waterfront and beach, a 3,400 square foot home is a bit much for just two of us. Our plans next, finish up and relocate to the flip house and have no mortage at all.
Hey, anyone know where we can get a renovation loan?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Camera and Pretty Photos Found!
I had looked in every tool box, under car seats and in every drawer in the house. And then, while looking for something else in the laundry room, there was my camera!
And better than the found camera, was the found photos. These two were taken on differnt days, the first was during extreme weather showing the view from behind our house, over the lake.
The second is looking east, sometime in the morning.
After the house is sold, I'll be glad to have these photos to remember these lovely scenes. Enjoy!
Kids and Compost
Don't turn me in to the labor law folks for putting Nathan (4) to work in the compost heap. 
Thanks to Omaha's yard waste recycling program, enormous piles of this sweet-smelling compost are available to the public for about $8 a truckload. Helper Will, and grandson Nathan took turns shoveling "Omagrow" compost into the truck.
Thanks to Omaha's yard waste recycling program, enormous piles of this sweet-smelling compost are available to the public for about $8 a truckload. Helper Will, and grandson Nathan took turns shoveling "Omagrow" compost into the truck.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I'm related to someone famous, kind of

So here's what I do know.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're all related to Charlemagne somehow (according to family trees, but are able to document that our 1st cousin (many generations back) was Benjamin West, court painter to the King of England, and close enough to Benjamin Franklin, that dear Benjamin installed his first lighting rod on old uncle Benjamin's rooftop!
Futher down the line, we're cousins with Jerry West of NBA fame (the guy in the silohette on the NBA logo nonetheless) but sadly, there are no additional artists or pro-athletes in the current generation.
The Wales-side of the family (West) migrated through England about 1670 to the then English Colonies and we are officially considered patriots of the American Revolution. The German side (Schmidt) arrived about the same time, and anglicized their name to 'Smith' so that makes our family tree with our 'John Smith' quite common.
We arrived in Pennsylvania, made our way south to Virginia (which became Kentucky) not long after Daniel Boone explored there. I was pleased to find
Kentucky neutral during the war, but suspect due to
family names like 'Dixie' that we had a southern leanin'. If fact we have one of the actual Hatfields (Mary Hatfield) in our family tree, stepmother to our Great Great Great grandmother Louisa Catherine (sp?) Jackson, but she's not blood related to us and 40 years older the Devil Anse Hatfield, so breathe easy relatives . . .

On Grandpa Bernie's (HB) side (Wolff), we're linked in with stonemasons, with Harold A. Wolff (grandpa H.B Wolff's dad) having cut stone in St. Louis and having his name stamped on several St. Louis buildings including the main postoffice.
Being 'adopted' by my step-father Richard DePhilippis of Filippis Pizza fame always left me feeling a bit rootless until I met my biological father's sister, Aunt Suzi who filled in the gaps and shared photos - bless her heart. The geneology research helps me realize that in fact, my family, aka 'patriots' were one of the first families on the ground in the U.S. and if the rumors about a native American link are true (maybe William Harrison Jackson's first wife?) then we've been here longer than almost anyone. That sure helps me feel like I belong.
Mud Run, the Yearbook and Horseback Riding
Beth is such a better mom than I was. At 29 she's keeping fit, running triathalons and volunteering in her spare time to manage the yearbook for her Jerebek in Scripps Ranch. Kristen manages to get Nathan in Swim and Karate classes, even though she lives on spare change. She takes Nathan to the beach or the park each day.

Did I mention with pride that Beths'an Engineer and owns her own company?
Or that Kristen is an esthetician and a single mom, having received nearly straight A's in nursing and trade school? My favorite photos are below and include images showing teaching her kids how to trapeze, how fitness can be fun (San Diego Mud Run) and not to be afraid to ride horses on the beach in Mexico.
Kristen's photos of Nathan also reveal one happy kid. I was in grad school while my kids were young, so other than the occassional backpack trip to Europe (with Kristen ,then 6) one summer, I didn't expose my kids to nearly enough recreational activities.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Has anyone seen my camera?

Below is my younger daughter Kristen, a single mother doing a fabulous job raising Nathan (age 4). I still can't figure how all the kids in the family are blonde when I'm brown hair, brown eye boring - but I recall asking God for blonde haired blue eyed children, so maybe that was it.
Isn't she cute?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
My To Do List Woke Me at 1:30 a.m.
Actually, I never slept. We had lightning in the sky, a frightened puppy on the bed, and my head spinning with all the cool ideas gleaned from the ASTD International Conference and EXPO in San Diego last week. At 1:30 a.m., with Sparticus at my heels, I searched all the 'junk' drawers in the house for a notepad. The only one found said ONE with the ConAgra Foods logo, from a failed effort years back to get all business units on the same page, but I digress. Thirty-eight line items later my husband wandered into the room, somehow wakened by the dog, the light, or doors and drawers being opened and closed. Only one of the line items related to him, in that I would like him to stop being so cranky every time a certain fishman drives his boat up near our beach...But thirty-eight? Here are some samples:
I had to write them down. By the time I turned the light off an hour later, I had scheduled my work of the week, reminded myself that I can't do everything at once and even planned time for social interaction with a former colleage, Ronda Smith, who now owns her own marketing company in addition to working on her Phd. Let's call that perspective. Lights out, good night.
- finishing our flip house (Plattsmouth)
- missing my brother who passed away (Vince)
- needing a fence (ours)
- judging an art contest (for OneGirlsDream)
- setting up Power Hour webinars (work)
- upgrading our Corporate training (work)
- buying an investment property (San Diego)
Whoa! Why does my Avatar have a Beard?

Eventually, I'd like to build new business orientation in 2NL. For now, I'll settle for learning to dress and groom myself. I have to start somewhere.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
My First 38 Caliber Bullet
Here's what got done and we learned:

Hydro-expansion cement does work . . . if you can apply it in the 3 minutes before it clumps; the caulk gun is a great tool . . . when you remember to pucture the seal in the caulk tube first;
painting is easy . . . except over your head (with no ladder) or over wall-paper over plaster coated over block. Let's just say it was easier to allow the whole muck to turn into paper-mache and leave it in place. We're going to drywall over it anyhow, right?
Hydro-expansion cement does work . . . if you can apply it in the 3 minutes before it clumps; the caulk gun is a great tool . . . when you remember to pucture the seal in the caulk tube first;
painting is easy . . . except over your head (with no ladder) or over wall-paper over plaster coated over block. Let's just say it was easier to allow the whole muck to turn into paper-mache and leave it in place. We're going to drywall over it anyhow, right?
My favorite "aha" this week is that the guys at the hardware store must have had sensitivity training - they no longer roll their eyes when I ask stupid questions like "can I return all that PVC guttering?" and "can you pick it up cause I don't have a truck?"
BTW - That PVC guttering is crap. At least the aluminum stuff can be cut, bent and pounded to fit. And I already have metal shears. Next week . . . fun with cement!
I Love that Bad Dog!
Too bad that I didn't lock both doors on the dog crate when putting the dogs in the downstairs bathroom before work.
Our 10-month old boxer-doodle Sparticus even jumped into the shower and pulled the shampoos off the top ledge. Our Scotty dogs Toby (11) and his wife Missy (7) were horrified I'm sure.
Hey, love happens. And this one happened to make a big mess.
Are the Pelicans Lost or Did I Miss Something in Biology Class?
Grandpa's still getting phone numbers shoved into his pockets!
Last Saturday night, mom and I were worried when we returned home after seeing Jim Kalhorn in A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Glenwood community theater. My husband and grandpa were missing at 11 pm. Grandpa has Alzheimers and is usally in bed by 8, but my husband had offered to take him to dinner and they hadn't returned. Mom and I headed into town, found the truck parked in front of a local bar and were taken back by the sight of the two of them sitting at the bar with two young girls. Now my husband is a good looking, and quiet man, but the girls (ages 30 and 37) were hanging off grandpa! We helped grandpa make his way to the truck and home after having a drink together and all he could remember in the morning is that "there were some nice looking girls at the bar." He was really working the crowd that night, saying hello to everyone and joking with people at each table. In the morning, the proof of his evening was in his pocket. Amanda's phone number. Grandpa, you still got it going on!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Water Runs Downhill
We finally got our utility company Aquila to come out and bury the gas line after our grader hit it in the fall. Hey, we're all for calling Diggers hotline (we did that), but is it our fault the gas line was buried 6 inches below grade when it's supposed to be burried 3 feet deep? So the grader got a bill for over $500 and we'd fight except it's already been turned over to collections. This lesson is costly and we don't want to ruin anyone's credit.
The dented gas line did cause a few months delay (uh, we call it 'winter' here). All that time, water continued to run down the property and pour into the foundation. Thanks to our AirForce 'helper' the gutters were pulled off and the dirt pulled away from the house with an idea to put in a drain tile, but the water damage continued until thelot was graded. Somehow the drain tile and gutters never got put back up. (Something about Chad going drinking last weekend and having his keys taken away?) Anyhow, best not to drink and drive. The foundation will dry out, eventually.
Today I drove the lot across the graded driveway. I checked the block inside and it is dry so the grading worked. Hey, Jay Sorenson told me, "water runs downhill" - to him the solution was obvious. Grade the dirt so that it's higher at the foundation and then water will flow down away from the foundation. It didn't hurt that we used waterproof cement on Saturday to seal up any cracks inside after cleaning the wall with concrete cleaner. Our soil is clay so it will 'seal' outside.
One of our AirForce recruits is actually willing to read labels at the hardware store. This weekend we'll paint on the expansion waterseal and then he'll finally get to use the Remington gun to nail 2x2 stringers on the wall. Loud noises. We know what motivates!
The dented gas line did cause a few months delay (uh, we call it 'winter' here). All that time, water continued to run down the property and pour into the foundation. Thanks to our AirForce 'helper' the gutters were pulled off and the dirt pulled away from the house with an idea to put in a drain tile, but the water damage continued until thelot was graded. Somehow the drain tile and gutters never got put back up. (Something about Chad going drinking last weekend and having his keys taken away?) Anyhow, best not to drink and drive. The foundation will dry out, eventually.
One of our AirForce recruits is actually willing to read labels at the hardware store. This weekend we'll paint on the expansion waterseal and then he'll finally get to use the Remington gun to nail 2x2 stringers on the wall. Loud noises. We know what motivates!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Poison Ivy, a Broken Leg and Winter, yet we persist!
The adventurous do-it-yourselfer in me is learning the hard way.
God has his own timetable, and perhaps is pleased to look the other way as I make one big mistake after the other.
Take for instance the poison ivy. It seemed to me that I am strong enough to haul cut-down tree limbs. Too bad I'm not smart enough to realize that the urisol oil from the poison ivy that grows around the branches lasts far longer than the green turn-reddish fall leaves. Here are the results!
I appreciate the websites with crazy information on treating poison ivy. 
I've since learned that TECNU can be used to wash off the oil.
I've since learned that TECNU can be used to wash off the oil.
My favorite suggestion was 'cover the area in dry portland cement!' Too late for me though - I had to drink SlimFast for 8 weeks to keep my weight down while I took prenisone, wrapped my arm in a cloth soaked in milk, and burned the rash each day in the shower to numb the pain for 20-30 minutes. I'll be more careful next year, eh?
Come winter, I began to clear the forest, well bundled of course against oily tree branches. Thank goodness for my contractor's son, who was close enough to hear me call out when the bone broke! 
My husband claimed it was a sprained ankle. I twisted it hauling branches into neat piles. Five days later I saw the Xray of my broken fibula. Eight weeks in a cast, and I still can't walk right in heels. Thank goodness it was winter and I could use weather as an excuse for not working on the house.
My husband claimed it was a sprained ankle. I twisted it hauling branches into neat piles. Five days later I saw the Xray of my broken fibula. Eight weeks in a cast, and I still can't walk right in heels. Thank goodness it was winter and I could use weather as an excuse for not working on the house.
Now mom is back in town calling for bids, we've got our Dream Team, and the weather has finally warmed enough to want to spend weekends on our flip house.
The US Airforce Provided our Dream Team
In house flipping, the experts tell us to find a dream team. So after weeks of calling contractor ad and phone book listings and receiving overpriced bids from arrogant experts, we posted an ad on Craiglist and within 2 days found 3 wonderful AirForce military men who have construction experience, and some free time after their work on base. We call them our dream team.
Tony has landscape experience from his hometown in Long Island. Chad has worked construction alongside family most his life. And Will, who answered the ad online is renovating his own home, and wants to learn electrical. Together, we're brainstorming each next step of the project, starting last week with gutters and this week with siding. They've joined us on Saturdays and some weekdays after they're done with their gunsmithing for uncle Sam.
If you've seen the house, you know that we're all learning on the job. Will has a book on electrical wiring, and yes, we'll have the electrical inspected by a licensed 'expert'. But why pay an expert $65 an hour to drop lines from the attic into the walls and hook up outlets. We can do that.
We also feed 'em on the job which sometimes costs more than what they're being paid per hour!And they can bring their dog, or kids, chew and even drink beer while they are participating in their contract 'internship' in construction.
Grandpa says he don't think men will like working for women. These men seem not to mind at all. And we may even finish this house.
Many thanks to Uncle Sam!
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